PleX Diagnostics is a clinical diagnostic development firm focused on cost-effective, multiplexed oncology diagnostics.  The company's patent-pending technology combines serum biomarkers and a proprietary algorithm to predict presence of hepatocellular carcinoma.  PleX Diagnostics' technology is applicable across multiple types of cancer and will be a useful tool for clinicians in predicting early carcinogenesis.

Founded in March 2013 by Monica Schmidt, PleX Diagnostics is a start-up company in the final stages of product validation.  In January of 2012, the company completed an early assessment of their technology with encouraging results and later confirmed the results in an additional study that was completed in late 2012.  In March 2012, Monica Schmidt and the University of North Carolina filed a PCT.  Currently, the company is preparing for a large validation of its first product, HCCpleX, The company has two other products in early stages of development for colorectal and lung cancer.