MATRICE cultural association comes to life in the historic center of montaione,

it's a sort of microcosm of research and contamination, searching artistic and cultural value with the aim to create interaction and synergy between tradition and innovation, art and design, culture and criticality. the matrice's activities are born in the lands of tuscia,  and go to enlarge itself in most far dimensions, contaminating and evolving.

Matrice was born from ARCAICA and Riccioli di Vetro, two distinct realities but with common goals and values, entirely female. Arcaica deals with design, communication and event organization, Riccioli di vetro is concerned with artistic works primarily  sculptural, mixing various materials such as ceramics, wood and specializing in the development of materials

and glass techniques 

All Right reserved to: MATRICE Ass. Cult | [email protected] | via Roma 12, Montaione, Firenze | t. 0571 698098 | P.I 06339180488 | C.F 91040010489