
Bärbel Reinhard

and Margherita Cesaretti


three lessons, 12h total: 

I step: Thursday 20 june - from 3PM to 7PM
II step: Friday 21 june - dalle15.00 alle 19.00
III step: Saturday 22 june - dalle15.00 alle 19.00


10-12 people
15 years old +


Material required:

SLR digital camera, usb pen

Introduction to photographic portrait:
types of portraits:
- Studio portrait
- Environmental portrait
- Portrait stolen
- self-portrait
Management of natural and artificial light

1. Setting up a photo shoot with studio light
2. Studio portraits, self-portraits, portraits of people in outside
3. Revision and selection of the shots
4. Cropping, tonal correction by post-production 

5. Preparing a slideshow for final presentation open to the public

Books, laboratory for kids - 1st session conclused

All Right reserved to: MATRICE Ass. Cult | info@matriceculturale.it | via Roma 12, Montaione, Firenze | t. 0571 698098 | P.I 06339180488 | C.F 91040010489