Carnival rings, 2011.


Silver, nickel silver.


Carnival themed rings for the fun at heart.


You can use them to blow bubbles, play catch games, and spin the wheel for hours of amusement.


Raindrop, 2009.



Inspired by a raindrop.


Elegant and simple.


Wheel, 2011.



Part of the Carnival Series. Inspired by a ferris wheel.


Fun yet simple.


Carnival ring, 2011.



Part of the Carnival Series.


Fun yet simple - the ball spins.

bubbles, 2011.



Part of the Carnival Series.

Try blowing bubbles through the pattern at the top.


hazy moon, 2010.


Copper, Shibu-ichi.


Reticulated brooch.


Shibu-ichi is an alloy unique to Japanese metalworking.


The alloy consists of one-fourth silver and three-fourths copper.


make your mark, 2011.


Colour Rimu Veneer MDF, enamal paint, tie-tac pin.


Hand drawn, computer generated laser cut designs.


Inspire by the idea of scribble.


Painted on the inside so the wearer gets a little extra surprise.

geometry, 2013.




A playful take on geometric shapes.


i  heart you, 2013.




i heart you ring


a  mood  ring, 2013.


Silver, enamel paint.


a play on the mood rings, however this one doesn't change colour. Designed to inspire life and happiness.