KAte walls


A love for designing and colour and shape fostered Kate’s desire to seek opportunities to develop her skills and abilities in the field of graphics. Without formal training she pursued work as a freelance graphic designer between the years of 2004 – 2006. In 2007 in recognition of the opportunities formal education in Graphics offered she completed a Diploma of Graphic Design 2008.


Seeing further opportunities in continuing her studies she undertook study in the Jewellery and Object Studio at Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney in 2009 and completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts in 2011. This course developed many areas of interest for Kate giving her new confidence in new ways of handling materials and abilities to develop new and sustainable ideas and expanding her body of work. She has worked successfully on a number of group exhibitions.


Kate currently works as a designer/creator exploring materials, shapes, colours and stylistic ways to create wearable and non-wearable art. She is passionate about her work extending and reshaping the parameters of traditional art wear and different forms of lighting to create her craft.