skin      of       my       teeth

If  I could be ravished by the beauty of pen on paper

ink on holocaust sand

black on red

the iris in the back of my palm.

Blocks of grey charcoal moon would open their feet where the lilacs grew

Seeping blue     the turbid whole


Eating soggy lips of an eclipsed lune

Tear-stained fingernails cut in two.

Another one died, another grew.


Violent grace atop a dish cloth

Gelled protoplasmic projections dipped in glue

Broken death-games

knees of ampersand      the colon clogged in exclamatory land .


Vaginal muck, in a quagmire of forgotten hopes

The things they said that never wore

Not through the torrents of pistualted life

Not through the annals of cesspooled knives

Neither through the crystal beads of tender hands

Nor through the tentative moves I made on your command.


The floating words of an anchored no-man’s land

their helium syllables       they stew in my qualm

I inhale the smell     it permeates inside

I breathe the solid      it passes out as ice

melting and oozing  and spreading deeper still

it pours out of an abyss of rusted goals


into the river of Mary’s blood

into the sword of Deucalion’s flood

The house of roses was built with snow

it’s summertime    it must go

Down the quarries

Down the rivulets

The convulsing oesophagus

it often forgets


there’s nothing to remember

little to learn

when memories are short

we must begin to see again.




Series developed through the ARTSADMIN  Live Art/Performance Summer Project 2012 with Artist Mark Storor.


Click here to view more Writing (Series 1)