4. A Verify ownership page will open. Click on the 'Recommended Method' tab and choose 'Add DNS record'

5. In your control panel, change the A record and CNAME.

There are 3 changes required in your DNS records at the control panel of your registrar:
a. Add an empty TXT record with your unique security token (step 4)

b. Add a www CNAME with the value of ghs.google.com (step 12)

c. Add an empty A record, use as its value (step 13)

Can't find your DNS control panel? 

Try Searching the web for "how to login to the control panel at [your registrar].

Your registrar does not support TXT records?

Please contact us at [email protected]

6. After changing the DNS, click 'verify'.

Can't verify?

Make sure you made the right DNS changes. Also, it might take the changes 1-2 hours to properly propegate.


Still not working?

You can always check the status of your DNS records and nameservers at whatsmydns.net  

7. Verification Successful - Click 'Continue'

Verify your ownership & point your domain:

Select your registrar from the drop-down menu and follow the steps to modify your DNS.

If your registrar is not in the list choose 'other', the TXT code is the same for any registrar.