¨I  found  myself  working  in something  that  came  easily  and  naturally  to  me,  and  it  felt  good...¨

By Enrique Vega

Women have had a leading role in my life since the day I was born.


I grew up in a house full of them.


My mother, my sisters, my aunts, my cousins and my female friends.


All of them were strong, independent, smart, beautiful and powerful women that developed the sensibilities in me as an artist.


Hearing them talk was like a roller coaster of emotions because they were all very complete and complex characters; fertile and full of truth.


A ubiquitous topic among them, no matter how thin or curvy they were, was their body weight: those curves that according to them didn’t fit within the current standard of beauty.


It was a subject shared among jokes, conversations and uncomfortable moments. Often.


That’s why the first time I shot a plus-size model, a new world of inspiration and possibilities came to me.


I had found the opportunity to honor all of those women close to me and contribute to the statement of how beautiful and special your curves can be.


I found myself working in something that came easily and naturally to me, and it felt good.


I realized that every time I did it, I was helping my mother, aunts, cousins and friends to confidently embrace their bodies just the way they are.


I want to let them know how relative beauty can be, and I want to let them know how much their curves inspire me everyday... 


Only Curvy Girls...