All rights for the amazing pics reserved to loop_oh


one of the most important things  if you are a model.

Having a great comp card will not only emphasize the best of you, it´s also a great marketing tool...

If you are serious about your job, having amazing professional photos in your book and on your comp card is one of the most essential things.


Enrique Vega has been hired by top model agencies in New York City to feature his work on the front of their model comp cards.


He has been doing it for years and knows exactly how it works.


Therefore, if you need to refresh your book and switch that old photo on the front of your card to showcase the best of you (so you can actually start making lots of money), Enrique Vega and his great creative team will take care of you.


They will target those specific needs in your book and develop them so they can function in your portfolio forever.


Click on the photo and take a look at some examples of what they can do for you. Enjoy!

Only Curvy Girls...